Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So I have a new (or relatively new) obsession. Can anyone guess what it is?

Well, if you guessed...


then you win the jackpot. (Sadly, I'm broke, so you'll have to settle with a pat on the back)

For all of you out there who don't know, Google is the best thing since whatever the last best thing was!!!

Yeah, yeah, we all know you can do a Google search for pretty much anything on the WWW. But if that is all ya'll use Google for, you're definitely missing out. So for all you Google novices out there, I'm going to give you a little taste of heaven (aka Google previews).

(Cue shameless plug and free advertisement for Google)

  • Chrome (best web browser in the world; Firefox and IE have nothing on this one!)
  • Gmail (if its not your default email account, get with the times)
  • Docs (who knew you could create, edit and share documents through Google?)
  • Calendar (blows Outlook out of the water!)
  • Chat (IM client through your Gmail address)
  • Earth (satellite photography, 3d buildings, even outer space)
  • Picasa (upload all your pics to an online photo album)
  • and more
Blogger (the web's most popular blog engine)
Youtube (if you don't know what youtube is, do us a favor and stay off the internet, please!!)
1-800-GOOG-411 (free directory assistance; or text the keyword to 466453)
Google Checkout (PayPal is a thing of the past for all you eBayers)
Google Reader (never miss an important blog update and share comments on your friends' blogs)
and more!!!

And Google makes it even easier with products like Google Desktop (included in Google Pack) and iGoogle.

And for you lucky ones like me, you can even use all of Google's awesome (and always-free) services on your cell phone, including Gmail, Calendar, Maps, Documents, Chat, and more.

So go, my young Google apprentices, and explore all that it has to offer you. Then come back and share with me (via my blog comment section) which Google products you enjoy the most.

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